Areas of the local map that were previously mapped may unmap themselves.The most stylish map of Skyrim, now with Screenshots and search engine Map of Skyrim. Your current area will occasionally be shown as a blue rectangle when zooming out to the world map. Use Skyrim Map to discover all places in Skyrim.Pressing "Activate" on any interactable part of this map will show its location on your map if you haven't discovered it yet.
Skyrim map update#
The flags are meant to update when a hold changes hands, but occasionally they do not change. The red icons mark the current Imperial Legion-aligned settlements and forts, while the blue flags mark Stormcloak-aligned areas.

These are the icons used on the in-game map.
Skyrim map mods#
Interactive Mashupforge version of GameBanshee's map with all locations - Dead Link Modmapper: interactive map of all Skyrim SE mods Icons GameBanshee's Skyrim Map Skyrim Interactive Map with all locations Official Prima Online Map of Skyrim - Official interactive world map. UESP Skyrim roadmap - A simplified guide to Skyrim's many paths and tracks, as a flat image. Dragonborn Satellite Map - Our high resolution Solstheim map using the Google Maps API. Just be sure to keep your sword at the ready, lest you be ambushed by ancient vampires or malevolent necromancers.General Maps Skyrim Satellite Map - Our high resolution Skyrim map using the Google Maps API. That way you’ll see the more minor areas in Skyrim too - the unnamed gems hidden off the beaten track. That said, the best way to experience the world is to make your way to a hold on foot, check out the places mentioned above, and then move on to the next one. These are just some of the best places to visit and pick up quests in Skyrim - the places you want to target first as you explore. Like most rich places though, there’s lots of subterfuge and espionage in Solitude, so a conniving Dragonborn will fit right in. When words don’t work in your favour, you’ll see that sometimes the pen isn’t mightier than the sword, so you’ll have to compromise.

Solitude is the richest place in Skyrim, so here you’ll get to use diplomacy instead of violence… sometimes. You can also sneak through the East Empire trading company, pull off a heist with some shady Argonians, and even sneak onboard the Emperor’s private ship. You can do Sheogorath’s Daedric quest here by visiting an abandoned wing of the city’s palace, which will send you hurtling headfirst into the demon prince of madness’ mind-bending domain. There are some great quests to pick up in Solitude. The Province of Skyrim and its Notable Locations Welcome to GameBanshees annotated map of the province of Skyrim, the land mass countless adventurers will be exploring during The Elder Scrolls V. It’s also home to the Blue Palace, previously ruled by the High King Torygg before he was killed by Ulfric Stormcloak. Not only have we prepared a glorious high resolution PNG version of the map for your downloading pleasure, but we've also created a nine-page PDF. The Imperial Legion is based here, so if you’re thinking of joining up, Solitude is where you’ll need to go. The Province of Skyrim and its Notable Locations Welcome to GameBanshee's annotated map of the province of Skyrim, the land mass countless adventurers will be exploring during The Elder Scrolls V. Of all the locations in Skyrim, Solitude is probably the one with the most to do.